time:2015-01-27 03:01:49 reading:1772次
The basic rules
First is the thermal resistance of power semiconductor devices (junction to case thermal resistance and thermal contact resistance) and power dissipation, the second is the highest junction temperature and the temperature of the cooling medium.
2 Fastening force(torque) is an important parameter of indispensable connection device and the heatsink, the correct determination and use it, to ensure the long-term stability and reliability of devices. When no given a fastening force, please use the fastening force 1.3-1.6kN/cm2.
3 The conditions of cooling
Natural cooling:
The ambient air temperature is not higher than 40°C, air natural convection wind speed less than 0.5m/s.
Air cooling:
Entrance air temperature is not higher than 40°C, wind entrance is 6m/s
Water cooling:
Entrance water temperature is not higher than 35°C, water flow
is 4L/min.
4.The general principle of selection of heatsink
According to the steady state or the transient working condition,
and considering certain allowance to select device parameters.
5 .Comprehensive consideration
First to know correct identification of the heatsink, insulation type and significance of parts and fasteners, heat capacity, the scope of understanding series cooling methods, technical parameters and structural characteristics. Second to combine with cooling, installation, universal interchange and in consideration of economy etc to select.
II The general method
To Select device type by IRMS or180° conduction angle IAV and combined surge current.
Check the working point of IAV value of the corresponding TC value by the curve between the package temperature of TC and the main current of IAV.
PAV Power dissipation
PAV=0.785VTM•IAV + 0.215VTO•IAV OR
PAV=VTO•IAV1 + 2.47 rT•I2AV
VTM Peak on state voltage drop
VTO The threshold voltage. If no parameter annotation, please use 0.8V (rectifier), 1.0V (Phase control thyristor), 1.2V (Fast switching thyristor)
rT Slope resistance
Surface temperature of heatsink TS
RCS The thermal contact resistance, Stud device is 1/3Rjc
Dics device is 1/5 Rjc。
5.Thermal resistance value Rsa
According to the current waveform and conduction angle to determine IAV,and to calculate the effective value IRMS of the current by IAV. IRMS=F•IAV
F waveform factor
6.To set self cooling heatsink, the blade should be parallel natural convection of hot and cold air direction.
Water cooling radiator should have certain requirements on water quality, the resistivity of the circulating water should not be less than 2.5kW, pH value between 6~9.
Water cooling heatsink in the work should pay special attention to the anti water leakage, anti blocking and anti condensation, etc.